Nico Anastasio
1 min readAug 10, 2022


That is a brave post in which you are going to find many contrarian views.

Mine is one of them.

Look despite the 100% mark not being achievable, and not even meaningful if we do it, I am a firm believer in testing and I want everyone (junior or senior) in my team to write them.

In one of his lectures Uncle Bob said this:

"During the Volkswagen emissions scandal, the ones blamed by the CEO and board were the developers that updated the electronics inside the car if we do not start implementing standards among us one day some government will decide them for us.

Do you want to decide what language to code in?

Would you like to be in charge of how many times you can deploy in a single day?

The first and easiest standard we, the engineering community, can implement is the use of automated testing."

This changed my view on testing (and TDD), hope it does with you too

Great Post anyway!



Nico Anastasio

Experienced programmer empowering developers to write flawless code. Explore my blog: Need captivating articles?